

In honor of the Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan, a debate game was organized in collaboration with the specialized IT boarding school No.1 for gifted children. The debates were held with the participation of 11th-grade students in three languages. During the debates, organized under the Ruhani Zhangyru initiative, students addressed current issues. Both proponent and opponent groups defended their positions, analyzing the impact of globalization on values from various aspects and presenting convincing evidence.

Throughout the game, it was evident that the students came to the discussion well-prepared. Each team responded to the arguments presented by the others and asked probing questions. The sharp arguments of the speakers enhanced the appeal of the debates.

The organized event contributed to the development of students’ skills in self-expression, oratory, leadership qualities, conducting research on the topic, critical thinking, and arguing their position.

At the end of the event, all participants were awarded letters of appreciation.

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